

Revision for Inscriptions of Song Dynasty in Taizhou
摘要 宋代台州的刻书业,不仅因为诸如有刊刻精良的大字本《荀子》传世而使历代藏书家垂青,而且因为有尤袤、陈振孙等目录学家曾守台郡而使版本学家注目,更因为有朱子劾唐仲友刻书公案而使台州宋版书名声大振。所以,整理、研究台州宋刻本是很有意义的。 Those who fancied collecting books in past dynasties showed appreciation for the industry of block printing in Taizhou, for the latter produced an exquisite block-printed book called Xu Zi. The industry of block printing in Taizhou became the center of attention, for You Mao and Chen Zhensun (who are both experts in bibliography) once lived here and Zhu Zihe and Tang Zhongyou were involved in the case of block printing. Therefore, to arrange and research the Song Dynasty block-printed edition in Taizhou is of great significance.
作者 楼波
机构地区 台州学院图书馆
出处 《台州学院学报》 2005年第2期81-84,共4页 Journal of Taizhou University
关键词 宋代 台州 刊本 整理 Song Dynasty Taizhou inscription arrangement
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  • 1王国维等.闽蜀浙粤刻书丛考[M]北京图书馆出版社,2003. 被引量:1


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