Objective To improve the diagnosis and treatment of retrocaval ureter. Methods 9 cases of retrocaval ureter were reported. 8 cases of was low loop (typeⅠ) and one case was high loop (type Ⅱ). The diagnosis of this disease depends on urography and retrograde ureterography, operation was the principle teatrment. Except one case of typeⅡ, ureter oredopdeics and reduction were performed in 6 cases (typeⅠ) and nephroectomy were performed in Ⅱ 2 cases (typeⅠ). Results B ultrasound and excretory urography showed no stenosis and improvement of hydronephrosis in 6 case after ureter orthopedics and reduction. 2 cases cured after nephroectomy. 1 case of type Ⅰwas followed for 3 years, B ultrasound showed no improvement of hydronephrosis. Conclusions IVU and RP are the main method for the diagnosing retrocaval ureter. MRU is a beneficial supplemental method for the IVU or RP. Ureter orthopedics and reduction are ideal to treat retrocaval ureter.
Hainan Medical Journal