
源于国有林场的自然保护区之景观管理途径 被引量:9

The Landscape Management of the Nature Reserves in China
摘要 森林和野生动物类型的自然保护区在我国自然保护区体系中占有重要地位。这类自然保护区就景观构成要素来讲基本上是由森林构成的,而且或多或少都存在着人为干扰的痕迹,因此在规划这类自然保护区的发展前景时,需要考虑其过去的国有林场之历史。当务之急,有必要通过调查确定这类自然保护区的森林植被的自然度,从而为实施景观管理提供现实依据。这类自然保护区的经营性质有别于过去的国有林场,现实中大多以生态旅游为中介,经营者、当地居民、市民(观光客),以及行政部门等利益主体以相对平等的地位来共同参与森林管理,打破了过去那种以行政命令为固定模式的管理方式。该文旨在对我国源于国有林场的自然保护区的景观管理、森林管理及生态旅游事业的开展提供新的思路。 Before the birth of China's Forestry Law in 1979, although a lot of natural reserves were established, those organizations were actually not suitable to any legal terms. After the issuance of the Forestry Law, through investigation and assessment, some state-owned forest farms were legally recognized as natural reserves named as natural reserves for forest, wild fauna and flora. Because those forest natural reserves have been managed differently from other natural reserves, the authors would like to name them as Natural Reserves Derived from State-owned Forest Farms. Of all China's natural reserves, this kind accounts for a very large proportion. Since those reserves are developed from state-owned forest farms, they are mostly characterized by forest with more or less human disturbance. In the planning and zoning of the natural reserves, the history of the state-owned forest farms should not be neglected. At the present, for the management of landscape, the urgent affair is to investigate the degree of human disturbance of vegetation. A new and important activity of the natural reserves, which is not a function of the state-owned forest farm, is to provide ecotourism service. For the best management of ecotourism, the author suggests to develop a joint forest stakeholder governance equally participated by managers of the natural reserve, local people, tourists, and administrative officers of the local government to replace the old management system derived from state-owned forest farms, in which natural reserves are managed as administrative units. The authors hope that the newly suggested management system becomes a useful way for natural reserve management in China.
出处 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期37-40,共4页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
关键词 国有林场 自然保护区 景观管理 生态旅游 state-owned forest farms nature reserves landscape management ecotourism
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