To meet the demands for large space and flexible compartmentation ofbuildings, laminated vierendeel trasses are adopted in high-position transfer story structures.First the bearing characteristics are analyzed, in which reasonable stiffness ratio of the upperchord, middle chord, and lower chord is derived. Then combined with an actual engineering model (1:8similar ratio), the static loading and pseudo-dynamic tests of two models for laminated vierendeeltrass used in transfer story structures are conducted, in which one model adopts reinforcedconcrete, and the other adopts prestressed concrete and shape steel concrete. Seismic behaviors areanalyzed, including inter-story displacement, base shear-displacement skeleton curves, andequivalent viscosity-damping curves. A program is programmed to carry out the elasto-plastic dynamicanalysis, and displacement time-history curves of the two models are derived. The test and analysisresults show that the laminated vierendeel trass with prestressed concrete and shape steel concretehas excellent seismic behaviors. It can solve the disadvantages of laminated vierendeel trussesused in transfer story structures. Finally, some design suggestions are put forward, which can bereferenced by similar engineering.