Abstractprimary implantation of posterior chamberintraocular lens (PC IOL) was perfonned in 70 eyeswith defective posterior capsule followingextracapsular cataract extraction.The visual acuitywas 0.5 or better at 3 months and 12 monthspostoperative in 97.1% and 88.6% of the casesrespectively.Complications were rare.The authors putforth the following principles for such cases:(1)injec-tion of air or Healon to maintain a deep anteriorchamber;(2)the insertion or rotation of the IOLshould be away from the area of capsular rupture;(3)the long axis of the IOL should cross the meridianof the posterior capsule rupture;(4) the residual ante-rior capsule may be utilized to support the IOL;(5)complete clearance of any vitreous in the anteriorchambeber;and(6) performance of at least 2 peripheraliridectomies to guard against pupillary block.Thistechnique is appllcable in eyes with peripheral posteri-or capsule defect of less than 120°or with centralrupture of less than 4mm.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology