目的 观察中西医疗法对顽固性心力衰竭的疗效。方法 选择患者 138例 ,随机分中西医结合治疗组 80例和西医对照组 58例进行观察 ,两组同时应用多巴酚丁胺和硝酸甘油 ,中西医结合治疗组加用生脉散合当归补血汤。所获数据经 χ2 检验。结果 治疗组总有效率 91.3% ,对照组总有效率 6 0 .3% ,两组疗效比较P <0 .0 5。结论 中西医结合治疗组治疗顽固性心力衰竭明显优于单纯西药组 ,中药可防止缺氧缺血及再灌注时自由基对心脏的损伤 ,提高病毒性心肌炎患者的免疫功能。
Objective To observe the curative effect of the combined traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treating the obstinate heart failure.Methods Choose 138 resident patients and divide them into WM group and TCM—WM group.Then,compare the crurative effects of two groups.Results The total effective rate of TCM—WM group was 91.3%,and WM growp only 60.3%(P<0.05).Conclusion The combined traditional Chinese and western medicine is superior to the single western medicine on the obstinate heart falure.
Journal of Heze Medical College