目的 观察应用硬膜外腔注入吗啡及氟哌啶镇痛的效果;方法 对35 例前列腺增生患者行前列腺摘除术后进行镇痛的效果观察,并以用杜冷丁的30 例作对照;结果 硬膜外组较杜冷丁组膀胱痉挛疼痛明显减轻及消失,膀胱持续冲洗时间缩短,刀口愈合明显加快;结论 应用硬膜外腔注入吗啡及氟哌啶镇痛的效果明显优于杜冷丁。
Objective To observe the effect of morphine and droperidol injected into epidural space after prostatectomy. Methods Comparing the effect of morphine and droperidol injected into epidural space after prostatectomy in therapeutic group with that of the control grouptreated with dolantin.Results The therapeutic group had better effect on relieving the pain after operation than the control group , shortening the time ringing urinary bladder after operation and quickening the intention.Conclusion The effect of morphine and droperidol injected into epidural space is much better than that of dolantin.
Journal of Heze Medical College