Psoriasis is a common disease with a prevalence of up to 2% in the world population.~1 The pathophysiological mechanism of this inflammatory disease has not been determined although it is generally accepted to have a genetic predisposition and be T-cell mediated. The lymphocytes are the target of psoriatic therapeutic strategies. Therapy resolves psoriasis for a time, but induces some severe side effects. Some cases of severe psoriasis, treated with multiple therapeutic regimens for many years, developed leukemia.
Psoriasis is a common disease with a prevalence of up to 2% in the world population.~1 The pathophysiological mechanism of this inflammatory disease has not been determined although it is generally accepted to have a genetic predisposition and be T-cell mediated. The lymphocytes are the target of psoriatic therapeutic strategies. Therapy resolves psoriasis for a time, but induces some severe side effects. Some cases of severe psoriasis, treated with multiple therapeutic regimens for many years, developed leukemia.