Objective To characterize the structural features of intestinal communities in fecal samples of healthy and FTT (failure to thrive) children.Methods 16 healthy children and 13 FTT ones were selected from 200 kids in a kindergarten. The fecal samples were collected from them once a week within three weeks. The genomic DNA of bacteria was extracted from each sample and ERIC-PCR amplification was then carried out. The PCR fingerprints were southern-blotted with a mixed probe from the labeled ERIC-PCR product of one sample.Results The banding-patterns of different samples from the same individuals were highly similar, indicating that the structure of microbial community in each individual was stable during the sampling period. ERIC-PCR fingerprints were different between the investigated individuals, even between different health children. However,a strong hybridization signal was commonly found in the fingerprints of samples from health children but no or weak signal was found in these from the FTT children.Conclusion The structure of intestinal microflora might be closely related to the development of children.
Chinese Journal of Microecology