随着我国加入WTO ,外国的跨国企业竞相进入我国市场,它们一方面带来了资金、技术和管理经验,另一方面跨国企业对我国经济的影响越来越大,在一些行业和领域的市场份额增长很快,有形成垄断的趋势,将对我国经济竞争秩序产生负面效应。而与此不相称的是我国的反垄断立法中并没有对该问题进行规制,因此,我国现行的反垄断法应在规制模式、原则定位、域外效力、执法机构和法律责任等方面完善相应的应对措施。
With China's joining WTO, transnational enterprises have entered our market in succession. On one hand, they have brought capital, advanced technology and managing experience. On the other hand, their market share in some trades has increased rapidly, which showes the tendency of monopolization and may have threat to competitive order of our economy. But the anti-monopoly law does not regulate this problem. The present law should consummate relative measures about the legislating mode, principle defination, efficacy beyond country, the executive organization and legal responsibility.
Journal of Xinjiang Finance & Economy Institute