In order to explore the approach of short-term prediction of destructive earthq uake M_S≥5.0, since 1973, the author of this paper has made relative rese arch with great concentration. In May 1975, he formally presented his viewpoint that, during the month prior to the earthquake, such five meteorological indicat ors including the daily average air pressure, daily average temperature, daily h ighest temperature, daily lowest temperature, and daily precipitation volume wil l show abnormity. This is short-term precursory abnormity shown in meteorologic al factors and is reflection of short-term meteorological effects in the proces s of the earthquake gestation. At the crucial period prior to the Tangshan Earthquake M_S7.8, in the mid -and early days of late July, 1976, the author proactively motivated and partic ipated in the earthquake emergency reporting on seven precursory abnormities of Beijing Municipal Earthquake Team according to the relationship of drought and e arthquake and the five indicators of short-term meteorological factors. Facts h ave proved that, in the process of the short-term earthquake emergency reportin g of Tangshan Earthquake M_S7.8 and short-term precursory predication of Ninghe Earthquake M_S6.9, the five meteorological indicators showed abnorm ity and the above-mentioned approach of earthquake prediction has endured the t est of practice.
Recent Developments in World Seismology
earthquake prediction
precursory meteorological indicators