Objective To observe the management results of hemangioma in infants and children. Methods Forty-nine cases of hemangioma in infants and children managed from 1986 to 2004 were reviewed . During the management period, the incidence and first visit age and sex were recorded . The location and volume of the lesions were photographed and followed up at an interval of 3 to 12 months until the complete involution of the tumor. The treatment modalities used included local injection of prednisone in 16 cases , surgery in 6 cases , and the remaining 33 cases were observed without treatment . Results Thirty-threecases receiving no treatment involuted naturally . The complete involution age was found from 9 months to 10 years with average age of 5.4 years . The cosmetic results after involution were good. Conclusions Most nemaugiomas do not need treatment and can involute naturally. However, in cases with severe complications such as expausion, destruction and obstructive or congestive heart failure, treatment is indicated.
Chinese Journal of Stomatology