通过双波长分光光度法和对二甲氨基苯甲醛显色法研究桑蚕春茧内、中、外各茧层丝素中的色氨酸含量和色氨酸在丝素纤维中的径向分布状况 ,并探讨了光、热处理后蚕丝丝素中色氨酸含量的变化 .结果表明 ,外、中、内各茧层丝素的色氨酸含量不一致 ,由外至内各茧层丝素中色氨酸含量依次降低 ;色氨酸在丝素纤维的径向分布不均一 ,呈现色氨酸在易溶落的最外表面层含量最多 ,次表层相对较少 ,中间层较多 ,而内层最少的分布状态 ;光或热处理均会破坏丝素中色氨酸 ,使色氨酸含量明显下降 .
The dual-wavelength spectrophotometry and para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde chromogenic reaction were used to investigate the tryptophan content in silk fibroin of the inner, middle and outer cocoon layers and the distribution of tryptophan along the radial direction of silk fibers. The tryptophan content changes after light exposure and dry heating treatments were also examined. The results show that there are obvious differences in tryptophan content of fibroin in different cocoon layers. The order of tryptophan content is as follows: outer cocoon layer > middle cocoon layer > inner cocoon layer. The distribution of tryptophan in silk fiber is not even, with the highest tryptophan content in the outermost surface layer, and the lowest tryptophan content in the inner layer; the content in the middle layer is higher than that in the hypo-outer surface. Light exposure and dry heating treatment destroy tryptophan and reduce tryptophan content in fibroin.
Acta Polymerica Sinica
国家自然科学基金 (基金号 2 0 0 750 2 3 )
浙江省自然科学基金 (基金号ZC0 2 0 7)资助项目