A report was made on 42 cases with developmental anomalies of vagina, among which 4 cases were congenital absence of vagina, 8 cases with partial atresia of vagina, 10 cases with transverse septum, 17 cases with longitudinal septum and 3 cases with oblique septum. All cases who suffered from congenital absence of vagina were complicated with congenital absence of uterus or uterine maldevelopment and those with longitudinal or oblique septum of vagina were complicated with bicornuate uterus,uterine septum or duplicated uterus. The cllnical characteristics of congenital absence of vagina, complete thansverse of oblique septum of the vagina were primary amenorrhea,cyclic lower abdominal pain and pelvic or abdominal mass after adolescence due to the hematocolpos.Ultrasonic examination was helpful to the diagnosis.After vaginal plastic operation, vaginal models were applied to avoid cicatricial adhesion and strictured formation. In one case with normal uterine corpus,complete cervical atresia and partial vaginal atresia, a channel was created between the normal uterine corpus and the artificial vagina with an indwelling silicious latex tube. The result was satisfactory and the patient was pregnant 7 years later.
Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics
Developmental anomaly of vagina Vaginal atresia Vaginal septum