要实现依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家 ,就必须树立法律的权威 ,充分体现法律的普遍适用性和至高无上性 ,这就要求实现司法公正 ,而实现司法公正的一个重要前提就是实行司法独立。司法独立 ,可以为法官公正地审理案件创造一个独立地、不受非法干扰的制度环境。
The author of the paper feels sure that ruling the country by law is essential to construct a socialist country. The authority of law should be demonstrated in universal adaptability and judicial fairness, the premise of which should be independence of judicature. With independence of judicature, judges are able to adjudicate litigations without illegal interference.
Journal of Xihua University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)