

The Making of the Deaf-bird Modle
摘要 鸟是自然界除人类之外最具复杂发声行为的动物,鸟类语言与人类语言在很多方面都有相似之处,尤其是发声学习的听觉反馈.聋鸟模型的制作可以为其研究鸟类的发声与听觉反馈的关系提供理想的动物模型.本文采用链霉素肌肉注射的方法对鸟进行了致聋试验,结果发现肌肉注射链霉素每日60mg/kg以下为鸟的安全剂量,每日90mg/kg-210mg/kg为鸟的有毒剂量,每日240mg/kg以上为鸟的致死剂量.为聋鸟模型的制作摸索出了一套有效的方法. The birds are the most sophisticated vocal behavior animals in nature except human being .Birds languages have something in common with human's,especially the auditory feedback of vocal learning. This paper is trying to observe experiment results after measuring the auditory voked potential by medical means.The result shows the bird is safe if Streptomycin dose injested is under 60mg/kg, the bird will be deaf if Streptomycin dose injested is from 90mg/kg to 210mg/kg,the bird will be probablly dead if Streptomycin dose injested is above 240mg/kg. The effect of the bird,s dumbing will be good if the noise clamorous enough to bird It can provide some eveidence for the making of the deaf bird model through these experiments.
出处 《山西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第2期69-72,共4页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 山西省自然科学基金资助项目(20021099)
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