目的:评价10例应用腹腔镜技术施行胃与胆囊良性疾病联合手术的治疗效果。方法:回顾分析2001年10月至2004年6月施行的10例腹腔镜胃与胆囊联合手术的临床资料,并与同期施行的36例单一性腹腔镜胃良性疾病手术进行对比。结果: 46例均获成功,无并发症,术后患者疼痛轻,均不用止痛剂,联合手术平均用时148. 5min,单一性胃手术为113.6min。联合手术的平均费用为12 845. 4元,比单一性胃手术多约1 000元。联合手术后肠功能恢复的平均时间和术后平均住院时间分别为49h和5. 2d,单一性胃手术分别为53h和5. 8d。结论:腹腔镜联合手术在没有明显增加患者创伤的情况下能同时安全、有效地处理胃和胆囊的良性病变,减少了患者分次手术的费用和住院时间,具有明显的社会效益和经济效益。
Objective:To evaluate the effects of combined laparoscopic operation for benign diseases of stomach and gallbladder.Methods:A total of 46 patients were studied,of which,10 patients with benign diseases of stomach and gallbladder received combined laparoscopic operation,and 36 patients with benign gastric diseases received single laparoscopic operation.Results:All the 46 laparoscopic surgery were performed successfully,with no complications and mild postoperative pain.The mean operating time,operating cost,hospitalization time and rehabilitation time of intestinal function for the combined operation group were 148.5min,12 845.4RMB,49h and 5.2d,while in the singleoperation group,they were 113.6min,11 889.7RMB,53h and 5.8d,respectively.Conclusions:Combined laparoscopic operation is as safe and microinvasive as the single one.On the whole,the combined operation is superior on the cost and hospitalization time significantly.
Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery