目的:探讨中医“下法”在临床治疗腰椎间盘突出症中的运用。方法:132例腰椎间盘突出症的患者按照中医辨证分型,其中气滞血瘀型6 5例,风寒湿型4 8例,肾虚型19例,分别用中医的“寒下”中的大黄牡丹汤、“温下”中的大黄附子汤、“润下”中的麻子仁丸治疗。结果:132例患者中优良10 4例,占78. 6 % ;可19例,占14. 4 % ;差9例,占6 . 9%。结论:中医“下法”能有效地改善患者下肢功能,缓解腰腿疼痛,对腰椎间盘突出症有较好的治疗作用。
Objective: To explore the treatment of the lumbar disc protrusion with purgation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Methods:One hundred and thirty-two patients of arthralgia were divided into energy-stagnation and blood stasis,wind-cold-wetness evil,kidney-astheniaaccording to differential diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Sixty-five patients were energy-stagnation and blood stasis,forty-eight patients were wind-cold-wetness evil,nineteen patients were kidney-asthenia and treated separately with Dahuang Mudan decoction of purgation with drugs of cold nature,Dahuang Fuzi decoction of purgation with drugs of warm nature,Mazi Ren Bolus of purgation with drugs of lubricant nature.Results:The curative effect of the excellent and good were 104,the rate of the excellent and good was 78.7%;nineteen turned better,the rate was 14.4%;nine patients almost achieve no effect,the rate was 6.9%.Conclusion:Purgation of Traditional Chinese Medicine can ameliorate function of lower extremities and lumbocrural pain,the curative effect is splendid at protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disc.
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology