NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)是一种非赢利性、非政府、自愿自治的正规化民间公益组织,在现代社会具有广阔的发展前景。但是,对于NGO工作人员利用职权进行经济犯罪该如何加以规制的问题,理论界存在诸多不同意见,实践中的规制方法也很不一致。文章对国内外各种理论观点和具体法律条文进行了归纳、分析,以期对完善NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪规制方法有所裨益。
NGO is a kind of non-profit,non-governmental and unconstraint civilian commonweal group.It has great prospects in the modern society.But to tackle the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO,we have many different ideas and concrete law regulations in theories and applications.Through summing up the theories and concrete law systems at home and abroad,we design some perfect method to regulate the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO.
Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)