Objective To study the degree of anisotropy in different cerebra l regions and the architecture of white matter fiber tracts with MR diffusion tens or imaging (DTI). Methods Diffusion tensor images were obtained from 25 voluntee r who underwent clinical MR imaging and were found to have no abnormalities on c onventional MR images. Color-coded FA images and three-dimensional color-code d tensor images were reconstructed. Fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured in some main white matter structures of peripheral white matter, basal ganglia, cer ebral peduncle etc. Results Anisotropy measurements in white matter regions were significantly differ from gray matter regions. Different white matter structure s shown different anisotropy degree,reconstructed FA images and three-dimensio nal color-coded tensor images can display main white matter fibral.Conclusions DTI can show the orientation and distribution of cerebral white matter fiber tra cts. It is very helpful to study the relationship between cerebral functions and white matter fiber crossings.
Journal of Practical Medical Imaging
Magnetic resonance image
Diffusion tensor imaging
White matter fiber tracts