目的 用鼠巨噬细胞培养弓形虫RH株速殖子及观察弓形虫速殖子入侵鼠巨噬细胞及在其内繁殖的过程。方法 按培养传代细胞的常规方法培养鼠巨噬细胞 ,将鼠巨噬细胞接种到盖玻片上 ,用弓形虫RH株速殖子感染巨噬细胞 ,每隔 1 .5小时取出盖玻片 ,经吉氏染色、二甲苯透明后 ,镜下观察摄片。结果 弓形虫速殖子大多在感染后 0 .5~ 1小时侵入巨噬细胞 ,1 0小时后 ,假包囊形成 ,2 0小时后 ,假包囊破裂 ,在室温条件下 ,速殖子可在巨噬细胞中存活 2 0天。
Objective To observe the invasion process and development of Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoites in mouse macrophages. Methods Mouse macrophages was maintained in modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% of fetal bovine serum. Before infection mouse macrophages was allowed to adhere to glass cover slips in dishes and grown to confluence. Then confluent monolayers on glass cover slips were infected with 10 4 parasites in DMEM containing 1%~3% fetal bovine serum. Cultures were examined at frequent intervals with an inverted microscope to document the infection of cells and the formation of pseudocysts. After infection the glass cover slips were taken out from the dishes at 1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,32 h respectively, washed immediately in Hank's , stained with Giemsa ,and examined microscopically. Results At 1 hr after infecton tachyzoites invaded into the macrophages. At 20 h after the addition of Tachyzoites, pseudocysts were observed in the medium. Conclusion Mouse macrophages can be used to culture Toxoplasma gondii for long-term.
Journal of Nanhua University(Medical Edition)
Toxoplasma gondii
mouse macrophages
cell cultivation