
福建沿海张网作业捕捞能力的计算分析 被引量:8

Calculated analysis on fishing capacity of swing net in Fujian coastal sea
摘要 根据2002年福建沿海张网作业的生产调查及全省渔业统计,应用数据包络分析(DEA)法,分析福建沿海6个地级市和4个县市张网作业的捕捞能力及其影响因素,并与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)法进行比较。结果表明,2000年和2002年,福建沿海张网作业"能力利用度"的变化范围分别为5 2%~100%和7 3%~100%,平均为67 2%和80 9%。各地市间张网作业的"能力利用度"有极显著差异(P<0 01),对给出的投入要素的利用未达到充分发挥其应有产出能力的水平,存在张网作业船数和网具数量的投入过多、渔船功率和吨位的投入偏大的问题。调查36个捕捞单位的"能力利用度"变化范围为46 4%~100%,平均77 4%。4个县市不同生产水域间张网作业"能力利用度"的差异极显著(P<0 01),捕捞单位间的"能力利用度"有显著差异(P<0 05)。近海有翼张网的平均"能力利用度"高于沿岸无翼张网的平均"能力利用度";张网捕捞单位投入的功率、吨位、网具数量、渔船数和作业天数,对其捕捞能力的发挥有比较重要的影响。跨生产水域比较各捕捞单位投入的网具规格和船员数对其"捕捞能力"有一定的影响。CPUE法仅适用于单一或两个投入因子的计量,不足以充分反映张网作业的实际捕捞能力;DEA法则擅长多种投入要素的生产决策,提供各种约束条件的最优选择途径。 According to the productive investigation of swing net in Fujian coastal sea and the fisheries statistics of the whole province in 2002,by using DEA method,the fishing capacity of swing net of coastal sea in six cities and four countries in Fujian Province and the effective factors were analyzed and the results were compared with those analyzed by CPUE method. The results showed that the capacity utilization of swing net in Fujian coastal sea varied from 5.2% to 100% and 7.3% to 100% in 2000 and 2002,respectively. The average values were 67.2% and 80.9%. The capacity utilizations in different cities were significantly different (P<0.01); the utilization of input factors to be accorded was not sufficient to exert the output levels that should be achieved. The input of vessel numbers and net numbers was overfull,and the power and tonnage of fishing vessels was overlarge. The capacity utilization of 36 fishing units varied from 46.4% to 100%,averaged 77.4%. The capacity utilizations of swing nets in different fishing waters of four counties were significantly different (P<0.01),and those between fishing units were more significantly different (P<0.05). The average capacity utilization of swing net in near sea was higher than that in coastal waters.The power,tonnage,net and vessel numbers and fishing days had important influence to the fishing capacity of swing net. The CPUE method was merely applied to single or double input factors,which was not sufficient to reflect the fact of fishing capacity. The DEA method was applicable to many input factors,which could provide optimal elective way with various restrictive conditions,and may obtain more comprehensive and integrated multiple input's fishing capacity of swing nets.
作者 方水美
出处 《中国水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期321-328,共8页 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
基金 福建省海洋与渔业局资助项目(闽海渔科0107号).
关键词 数据包络分析法 CPUE法 生产水域 捕捞方式 捕捞能力 DEA method CPUE method fishing waters fishing style fishing capacity
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