GA3 and GA4+7 were evaluated at 10-days ,1-day, prebloom and bloom and 2 concentrations for inducing of seedless of Kyoho grape. GA3 and CPPU were treated 10-days postbloom once at 3concentratinos for promoting berry size. Every treatment effectively increased seedless rate of Kyoho grape over control treatment. GA3 had little more effect than GA4+7 on inducing seedless of Kyoho grape. The treatments of 1-day prebloom with GA3 were great increase in seedless rate than of 10-days prebloom. The best treatment for inducing seedless of Kyoho grape was 1-day prebloom 12.5mgL-1 GA3+10-days postbloom 12. 5mgL-1 GA3. The seedless rate was 90.91%. GA4+7 effectively increased grape fruit seat rate. The best treatment was 1-day prebloom 25 mgL-1 GA4+7 +10 day postbloom 25mgL-1 GA3+20 mgL-1 CPPU. The fruit seat rate was increased over control by up to 123.1%. GA3 had the tendency to increase the berry L/D, but GA4+7 to decrease .
Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine