本研究通过猪肺疫的活菌疫苗和死菌疫苗多杀性巴氏杆菌菌株(Pasteurella multocida,Pm)对小鼠的毒力试验测定它们的毒力性。结果表明,死菌疫苗Pm的毒力性比活菌疫苗Pm的强,即死亡率分别为10 0 %和0 %。通过两菌株对He L a细胞的附着试验测定它们的附着能力,结果证明强毒菌的附着能力明显地比弱毒菌强(P<0 .0 1) ,平均附着数分别为11.96和2 .4 4 ;从上述菌株细胞荚膜中分别提取荚膜蛋白,用SDS- PAGE分离测定两菌株荚膜蛋白质结构,结果表明39k Da荚膜蛋白是强毒菌的特异性蛋白。以上研究结果证明Pm的毒力与He L a细胞的附着能力是密切相关的,同时暗示本菌39k Da荚膜蛋白可能与它们的毒力和He L
Pathogenicity of swine Pasteurella multocida vaccine strains for mice was determined by viruleace test. Inactivated vaccine strain showed high virulence as compared with the life vaccine strain, and their mortality were 100% and 0%, respectively. Adhesion of virulent vaccine strain was significant highly than avirulent vaccine strain (P<0.01), and the number of adherent bacteria to HeLa cell of these strains was 11.96 and 2.44, respectively. Capsular protein profiles showed that a 39 kDa protein was major for virulent strain but not in avirulent strain. These findings demonstrated that the pathogenicity of Pm correlate with their adhesion to HeLa cells, and indicated that the 39 kDa capsular protein may be correlated with their pathogenicity and adhesion to HeLa cells.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine