Aim To modify the structure of resibufogenin by using Ginkgo bilobasuspension. Methods Young leaves of Ginkgo biloba were differentiated into callus in MS medium withonly 2,4-D as plant growth regulator. The callus was then transferred aseptically to liquid MSmedium exoge-nously supplemented with appropriate concentration of 6-BA, NAA and 2,4-D to establishsuspension cell culture system. Resibufogenin was administered into the well-grown cell cultures andincubated for 4 d. The products dissolved in the liquid phase of the cultures were extracted andpurified by silica gel column chromatography gradiently eluted with petroleum ether and acetonesystem. Results One transformed product was obtained in 40% yield after 4 d incubation, which wasidentified as 3-epi-resibufogenin on the basis of FAB MS, ~1H NMR and ^(13)C NMR spectroscopicanalysis and corresponding data reported in literature. Conclusion G. biloba suspension cultures canbe used as an enzyme system to biotransform resibufogenin, an animal-originated bufadienolide, into3-epi-resibufogenin.
目的 利用银杏悬浮细胞对酯蟾毒配基进行结构修饰。方法 利用只含生长素 2 ,4 D的MS培养基诱导银杏嫩叶 ,使细胞脱分化形成愈伤组织 ,然后将愈伤组织转移至含一定浓度 6 BA ,NAA ,和 2 ,4 D的液体MS培养基中以形成悬浮细胞。把酯蟾毒配基加入生长状态良好的悬浮细胞中转化四天。提取出溶解于液体相的转化产物 ,采用硅胶吸附柱层析法 ,以石油醚和丙酮为展开体系进行梯度洗脱 ,然后对转化产物进行分离纯化。结果 经过四天转化 ,得到一个转化产物 ,转化率达 4 0 % ,通过对转化产物的质谱 ,核磁共振氢谱和碳谱等波谱数据进行分析 ,并与有关文献进行对比 ,证明转化产物为 3 表 酯蟾毒配基。结论以银杏悬浮细胞作为一种生物酶体系 ,可以把来源于动物的蟾蜍甾烯类化合物酯蟾毒配基转化成 3 表 酯蟾毒配基。
ScientificResearchCommonProgramofBeijingMunici palCommissionofEducation (NO .KM2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 )