Single web services just provides limited functionality, it can't pro vide enough functionalities for practical requirement. In order to solve the int egration and collaboration problems of internet applications, it is necessary to compose several web services together to implement complex business logic funct ionality. Based on web service flow language (WSFL) and traditional workflow tec hnology, a web services composition runtime system was proposed. The syst em is a multi-layered framework, which is made up with web services platform, w eb services composition processing engine, JMX registry and management center, r e mote management and control console and processing engine configuration and mana gement tool. The processing engine executes WSFL-based processes, and remote ma n agement and control console can monitor and control the running process instance s and processes' history data. The system provides a uniform runtime environmen t for web services integration and collaboration.
Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
国家 8 63计划资助项目 (2 0 0 1AA113 0 3 0
2 0 0 1AA115 110
2 0 0 1AA414 0 2 0 )