TCP是一种面向连接的服务,它在两个主机之间建立连接,提供双向、有序且无重复的数据流服务,而UDP则是一种双向的无连接数据服务。通过使用三个SinSock控件,巧妙地将TC P与UDP结合起来,利用UDP进行查找, TCP进行连接,实现了客户端自动查找并连接服务器端。
TCP is a kind of multidirection connection server,and sets up connection between two mainframes and provides bidirectional,ordered and nonrepeat data flow service,but UDP is only a kind of bidirectional and nonconnection data service.This paper connects TCP and UDP dexterously with three SinSock control units,UDP is used for searching and TCP is used for connecting,implementing automatic searching and connecting in client terminal.
Computer Development & Applications