通过对地图投影原理的分析,提出了将我国目前通用的80坐标系所采用的IAG75椭球进行投影变换的方法。解决了由于IAG75不是国际通用椭球而引起的无法实现数据互通共享的问题。此方法利用ERDAS IMAGINE的扩展库自定义新的投影椭球,用自定义的投影椭球对栅格数据成功地进行了投影变换。
Through analyzing the theory of projection, this paper gives an projection transform method by which can convert IAG75 spheroid, used by 80 coordinate system, which widely used in China. This method can resolve the problem of data communication and data share due to spheroid IAG75 is not a standard international spheroid. Utilizing the extended library provided by ERDAS IMAGINE,and by using the self-defined spheroid IAG75 the projection transform of raster data is achieved successfully.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology