目的:应用Excel表格编程,处理抗生素效价测定中特异反应数据,以便有效地利用测定数据,得到更可靠的测定结果。方法:结合红霉素效价测定实例,依据《中国药典》2 0 0 0年版二部附录的要求,利用Excel表格的各种函数、公式编辑等功能,进行编程与优化。结果:对采用量反应平行线测定法中2 2法所测抗生素效价数据,运用所编制的应用程序,实现生物检定统计法中的各种功能,能自动识别特异反应,可选择性地进行特异反应的剔除、缺项补足或整行数据的剔除,还能进行方差分析和可靠性检验。结论:本程序可方便、快速、有效地进行抗生素效价测定中特异反应数据的处理。
Objective:To establish an Excel program for data processing of aberrant responses in antibiotics' potency assay. Methods: Based on Chinese pharmacopoeia 2000, using a sample of erythromycin's potency assay, the program was established and optimized with some Excel functions and formulas. Results: Applying the program to data processing in antibiotics' potency assay, aberrant responses were identified automatically and they could be replaced or whole line data could be rejected if necessary. The calculation of error variance and tests of assay validity for random plates could also be performed. Conclusion: The Excel program can conveniently, effectively and rapidly process the antibiotics' potency data including aberrant responses.
Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences
安徽省"十五"科技攻关项目 (0 1 0 1 30 36 )