
海南岛黎母山四眼斑水龟对春季生境的选择性 被引量:15

Spring Habitat Selection by Four Eye-spotted Turtle(Sacalia quadriocellata) in Limu Mountain of Hainan Island
摘要 2004年3—4月,在海南岛黎母山采用系统抽样法对四眼斑水龟春季生境选择进行了初步研究。在海拔170~1170m设196个研究样点,共1392个笼捕日。其中在海拔170~470m的26个布笼点共捕获四眼斑水龟36只,而在海拔470~1170m未捕获到四眼斑水龟。采用Kruskal Wallis检验,对海拔500m以下四眼斑水龟利用样地(n=26)和海拔500m以上的对照样地(n=26)的生态因子差异显著性进行检验。结果表明,两类样地的海拔、植被类型、植被盖度、落叶厚度、土壤类型、坡度、水面宽、水深、水面流速、基底类型、露石率、食物丰度、干扰距离13个生态因子差异均显著,仅石洞数目差异不显著。说明海拔500m以上和以下的环境差异较大。主成分分析结果表明,影响四眼斑水龟生境选择的主要生态因子依次为海拔、干扰距离、植被盖度、土壤类型、水深和落叶厚度。而植被类型、食物丰度、露石率、基底、石洞数目、坡度、水面宽和水面流速8个生态因子的影响不明显。保护好近河岸植被和提高当地群众对龟类的保护意识对四眼斑水龟的保护十分重要。 Spring habitat selection by four eye-spotted turtle (Sacalia quadriocellata) was studied from March to April 2004 in Limu Mountain of Hainan Island which geographically locates in 19°07′-19°14′N, 109°39′-109°49′E. Using regular sampling, elevation ranging from 170 to 1 170 m, a total of 196 representative plots were sampled in the mountain stream and the distance between every two adjacent plots was 60-90 m. At every selected plot, a bamboo cage with rotten beef as bait was placed for six days to catch turtles. Fourteen ecological factors (including width of water, depth of water, speed of flow water, substrate types, percentage of exposed stones, food abundance, vegetation types, coverage, thickness of deciduous leaves, elevation, slope degree, soil types, number of stone caves, distance to human disturbance) were measured at every plot. A total of 36 S. quadriocellata were caught at 26 plots below 500 m and no S. quadriocellata was caught above 500 m. Kruskal-Wallis Test was used to analyze the difference between the usage plots (n=26) below 500 m and contrastive plots (n=26) above 500 m. Of the 14 ecological factors, only the difference in number of stone caves between usage plots and contrastive plots is insignificant. This indicates that the environment above 500 m is rather different from that below 500 m. Principal components analysis were used to analyze the important factors which affect spring habitat selection by S. quadriocellata. The result showed that six important factors were as follows in decreasing order of importance: elevation, distance to human disturbance, coverage, soil types, water depth and thickness of deciduous leaves. And the influence of vegetation types, food abundance, percentage of exposed stones, substrate types, slope degree, number of stone caves, width of water and speed of flow water on spring habitat selection by S. quadriocellata was insignificant. To protect the vegetation near riverside and to improve local people's conservation awareness are very important for
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期142-146,共5页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30260019) 中国香港特别行政区嘉道理农场暨植物园(KFBG)生物多样性保育项目
关键词 四眼斑水龟 生境 选择性 主成分分析 海南岛 春季 系统抽样法 Sacalia quadriocellata Habitat selection Principal components analysis Hainan Island
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