新疆呼图壁种牛场地区草地25 种植物中的K、Na、Ca、Mg、S在含量水平上Na> S> K>Mg> Ca。不同植物种类Na、S含量差异较大,如盐节木(Halocnem um strobilaceum )、囊果碱蓬(Suaeda physophora)等Na、S含量分别达100000 ppm 和30000 ppm 以上,而芦苇(Phrag-m itescom m unis)、獐茅草(Aeluropuslittoralis)Na、S含量分别在30000 ppm 和4000 ppm 以下;种间变异系数Na、S分别为95.10% 、63.16% ,K 含量变异系数较小,为34.42% 。同一种植物在不同地点Na、K、Ca、S含量的变化,小于种间的变化;部分植物Mg 含量的变化种内大于种间。相关分析表明,植物与土壤元素含量之间,在7 种植物物中,仅白刺(Nitraria sibirica)与土壤Na含量之间呈显著负相关水平;植物中5 种元素之间的相互关系,Na、Ca 之间呈比较显著负相关水平,Na、S之间呈比较显著正相关水平。用植物中5 个元素的含量,对25 种植物进行TWINSPAN 分类和DCA 排序,结果显示出盐节木、囊果碱蓬、盐爪爪(Ka?
The characteristics on K, Na, Ca, Mg and S contents of 25 plant species were analysed at the grassland on the Hutubi Cattle Stock Farm area, Xinjiang.The level of content is in the order of Na>S>K>Mg>Ca.Different plant species have considerable variation in contents of Na and S, for example, the contents of Na and S are more than 100000 ppm and 30000 ppm respectively in Suaeda physophora and Halocnemum strobilaceum and less than 30000 ppm and 4000 ppm respectively in Phragmites communis and Aeluropus littoralis; their interspecific coefficient of variation (c.v.) are 95 10% and 63 16% respectively.The interspecific c.v.of K content, 34 42%, is the lowest.The contents of K, Na, Ca and S in all innerspecific plants at different sites are less various than interspecific ones; the content of Mg in some innerspecific plants is more various than in interspecific ones.The analysis of correlation between contents of elements in plants and soil shows that Nitraria sibirica is the only plant specie whose coefficient of correlation (c.c.) of Na content in plant with that in soil reaches the significant negative level in seven plant species; among 5 elements in plants, the c.c.between Na and Ca reaches the significant negative corrrelative level, the c.c.between Na and S reaches the significant positive correlation level.The results of classification and ordination of TWINSPAN and DCA of 25 plant species using the data of 5 elemental contents show that seven plant species, for example, H.strobilaceum, S.physophora, Kalidium foliatum, K.caspicum, etc.are Na and S type plant; Phragmites communis, Achnatherum splendens, etc.are Na and K type plant.
Contents of elements in plant
Quantitative analysis