目前世界上的集装箱起重机一次只能吊起一个40 ft箱或2个20 ft箱,ZPMC针对超巴拿马型船而开发的双40岸桥1次可吊起2个40 ft箱.双40岸桥的重要特色是开发了专用的差动型起升齿轮减速箱,它可以根据电机和制动器的不同工作组合工况,实现功率的分解和叠加,既可2套吊具同时起升,也可2套吊具各自独立起升或1套吊具起升1套吊具不动,使用1套吊具时也能实现高速高效.该机是对成熟常规岸桥的改进与创新,设备成本增加不多,轮压增加不大,理论上可使装卸效率提高50%~60%.
Currently the container crane in the world can lift only one 40 ft container or two 20 ft ones. The “double 40” quayside container gantry crane which was manufactured by ZPMC specially developed for Super Panama Ship size can lift two 40 ft containers one time. Its key feature is to develop a special differential hoisting gear reducer. According to the different combination of motor and brake, it gets the composing and decomposing of the power, which means the two sets of spreader can lift both together and separately, or one set lifts and another halts. When only one spreader lifts, it also works in higher speed and efficiency. This crane is improved and innovated from the conventions, so its cost and wheel loads increase not too much, however, the efficiency of handling can increase about 50%~60% theoretically.
Port Operation