为了解寒露风引起晚稻减产的生理原因,本试验以两个不同抗冷力的杂交水稻组合为材料,研究了低温对水稻乳熟期剑叶光合作用与果糖1,6-二磷酸酯酶(FBPase)活性的影响。结果表明:低温引起离体剑叶光合效率与FBPase 活性下降,不抗冷的“汕优63”及其亲本的光合效率与FBPase 活性比抗冷的“秀优57”及其亲本下降幅度较大。乳熟期是籽粒灌浆的高峰期,自然低温(寒露风)造成晚造水稻减产与乳熟期连体剑叶的光合作用下降和FBPase
To understand the physiological reasons for poor yield of the second rice crop in southern China challenged by low temperature. The authors investigated the effects of chilling temperature on photosynthesis and the activity of fructose l,6 diphosphatase(FBPase) of flag leaves at milky stage using two hybrid rice varieties with different cold tolerance. The results indicated that chilling temperature caused decreases of photosynthetic efficiency and FBPase activity in detached flag leaves. The decline of photosynthetic efficiency and FBPase activity was greater in Shanyou 63 which is as cold sensitive as its parents than in Xiuyou 57 which is cold tolerant like its parents. The milky stage is the period of the fastest grain filling. The decreased the yield of the second rice crop caused by natural low temperature was associated with decline of photosynthesis and the abilities of adaption and adjustment of FBPase in attached flag leaves. The Relationship between the effects of chilling temperature on photosynthesis and photosynthate transport and the yield formed by grain was discussed.
Chilling stress
Hybrid rice
Photosynthesis of flag leaves
Photosynthate trasport
Milky stage