目的 探讨小儿特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)的临床特点。方法 对2002年3月-2004年6月我院收治的ITP患儿的临床资料进行分析。结果 205例患儿中急性型占98.54%,慢性型占1.46%。47.8%的患儿发病前1-4周曾有感染史;32.68%的患儿在发病前3 d-1月曾有预防接种史。病原学检查185例,阳性占52.97%。临床表现以轻、中度皮肤黏膜出血为主,合并内脏等重度出血者占6.24%。188例给予以肾上腺皮质激素为主的治疗,血小板在2周内、1周内、3 d内达正常水平者分别为96.28%、77.13%和32.98%。结论 小儿ITP患者绝大多数为急性型,预后良好。病毒感染与小儿ITP有密切关系。发生于预防接种后的ITP高于以往报道,其中以乙肝、百白破疫苗所占比例较高。
Objedctive To investigate the characteristics of idiopathic thrombocytopecnic purpura in children. Methods Analysis the clinical date of 205 cases of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Results (1) The middle age of 205 cases of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was 3 years old, and the male vs female was 1. 36 : 1. (2)98. 54% of patients belonged to acute type, 1.46% were chronic. (3 ) Predeisposing factor could be found in 80. 48% of cases,and 47. 8% of them were upper respiratory infections,32. 68% of onset after vaccinations. (4)The pathogens were determined in 52. 97% of 185 cases. Human parvovirus B19. Mycoplasma and EBV were 58. 16% ,17. 35% and 16. 33% in the patients,respectively. (5) Among the vaccination associated with ITP, HBV and whooping-cough/diphtheria/tetanus vaccine were 32.48% and 26. 87% , respectively. (6) Bleeding under the skin and mucous membrane was the most common clinic feature of the patients,but severe bleeding was 6. 24% of cases. (7)There were 73. 66% patients whose platelet counts were bellow to 30×109 /L. Megakaryocytic in bone marrow were increased in 76. 22% of 143 cases. (8)Complete recovery of the platelet count in 96. 28% of patients within two weeks after corticoid or IVIg therapy. Conclusion ( 1) Most of ITP in childhood wrere acute type. (2) Viral infections were associated with the disease. (3) Vaccination associated ITP was not uncommon. (4) Corticoid or IVIg therapy had a good effect in treatment of ITP.
Chinese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Clinical analysis