After an intraperitoneal injection of cyclophosphamide in rats, there was pathologic changes in hemopoietic, immune arid visceral function. Acupuncture respectively at Zusanli, Dazhui and Shenshu points could decrease the above mentioned harms in the rats, the effect of acupuncture on hemopoietio function: Dazhui more than or equal to Zusanli, Zusanli more than Shenshu; the effect of acupuncture on immune function: Zusanli more than Dazhui, Dazhui more than or equal to Shenshu; the effect of acupuncture on the function of the liver and the kidney: Shenshu more than or equal to Zusanli, Zusanli more than Dazhui. The effect of acupuncture at all three points, i. e. Zusanli. Dazhui and Shenshu was more than that at any single point due to their coordination. There was no obvious effect when acupuncture at non-acupoints on tail
Acupuncture Research