在综述新城疫病毒(NDV) 的分子生物学特征、致病本质、复制机理以及利用反向遗传操作技术获得NDV的感染性克隆的基础上,着重介绍了以NDV作载体,将报告基因、功能基因包括鸡传染性法氏囊病毒VP2基因及流感病毒HA基因等插入NDV基因组的不同位置构建重组新城疫病毒,并对外源基因进行成功表达的研究进展。同时对DNV作为新的疫苗载体表达外源基因的可行性及未来应用前景进行了初探。
Newcastle disease is a highly contagious, hinghly fatal, and economically most important disease in the poultry industry throughout the world. The causative agent of the disease is Newcastle disease virus (NDV). This review will introduce NDV molecular biology nature, pathology, and proliferation process. It is summarized and emphasized that recent a novel approach of delivering many foreign gene (report genes or protective immunogens of many different pathogens) in the different site of NDV genome vector was made possible with the introduction of a “reverse genetics” system for this nonsegmented negative-sense RNA viruse. A recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing VP2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) protects against NDV and IBDV.Infectious recombinant virus expressing an influenza virus hemagglutinin can induce a strong humoral antibody response and provide a complete protection. The future is good to insert foreign genes of interest into the genome of NDV for coexpression and to use a recombinant NDV as a potential utility of a new vaccine vector.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine