智能交通系统( ITS)是缓解城市交通矛盾的一条新途径,然而我国智能交通系统的建设还刚起步,一方面需要建设的项目多、项目投资大,另一方面又客观存在资金、人才、技术等各方面的约束,因而必须运用科学的理论和方法对ITS项目进行事前评价,科学地安排ITS项目的建设次序.由于缺乏基础数据,通过精确地计算智能交通系统的成本、效益等数据来确定项目的重要程度还存在较大的困难.本文基于层次分析法,建立了ITS项目实施序列优化模型,并尝试将其用于上海市公路网交通信息化与智能化规划研究.应用该方法,可以客观地推荐项目建设次序,避免主观臆断.
Intelligence Transportation System (ITS) is a new way to alleviate the transportation congestion. ITS in China, however, has been developed just in recent years. On the one hand, there are many projects which need huge investment; on the other hand, resources are limited, such as funds?talents and techniques. So a scientific method to sort order of ITS projects is essential. But it is very difficult to decide on the importance of ITS projects based on accurately calculating their cost and performance due to a lack of basic data nowadays. In this paper, on optimisation model has been set up for the sequence of ITS' projects construction based on Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). As a case analysis, this paper makes an introduction of the application of AHP in Highwory Network Information Planning of Sharghai. The emplying of AHP is able to objectively recommend the orders of projects construction, and avoid the subjective forejudging.
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology