目的 观察应用桥式游离背阔肌肌皮瓣修复下肢软组织缺损的效果。 方法 采用桥式游离背阔肌肌皮瓣修复7例下肢严重软组织损伤患者。术前对拟行移植的背阔肌肌皮瓣血管和健肢血管行超声多普勒检查,以确认皮瓣及健肢血管循环良好。清创后,根据创面大小、深度设计皮瓣,用作携带桥的皮瓣长度较双下肢手术部位之间距离长10%左右;供区面积较受区大20%,形成皮管部位的皮肤设计应宽大,避免张力过大对血管造成压迫。然后行皮瓣修复术。观察皮瓣成活情况,总结手术指征及应注意的问题。 结果 7例患者手术后皮瓣均成活。除2例患者因皮瓣较为臃肿行皮瓣修薄术外,其余患者术后外形良好,功能恢复满意。手术指征:患侧肢体一条主要的动脉(胫前或胫后动脉)受损,不宜用另一条动脉作吻合血管行游离皮瓣移植术者;患侧肢体受伤严重,深层组织结构破坏,血管损伤情况不明或估计难以找到受区血管者;对侧健肢的重要血管无损伤者。注意点:术前应考虑桥式皮瓣的血运及断蒂后皮瓣是否能够成活。术后注意皮瓣血运,术区妥善固定。 结论 桥式游离背阔肌肌皮瓣修复下肢软组织缺损效果满意。恰当的创面处理、宽大的皮瓣、稳妥的固定是手术成功的关键。
Objective To evaluate the effect of bridged free latissimus dorsi musculo-cutaneous flap on repairing of soft tissue defect in the lower extremity. Methods Seven patients with extensive soft tissue defects in the lower extremities were enrolled in the clinical investigation. The defects were all repaired with bridged free latissimus dorsi musculo-cutaneous flaps. The condition of the blood vessels in the flaps and the healthy extremities was examined with ultrasound Dopper before the operation to assure the blood circulation of grafted flap. After debridement, the flap was designed in accordance with the size and the depth of the wound. Then the transplantation of the flaps were done. The operative indication and points for attention were summarized thereafter. Results All the 7 flaps survived. All patients recovered well with satisfactory function and external appearance, except flap reduction was done in 2 patients due to undue thickness of the flaps. Indications for operation: (1) Patients with anterior or posterior tibial artery injury in the injured lower extremity in which arterial transplantation was not possible to allow the free transplantation of a skin flap. (2) The injury was extensive and deep, with the injurious condition of the blood vessels indeterminable and no healthy artery could be found for anastomosis with a donor artery. (3) No vascular injury could be identified in the contralateral healthy extremity. Points for attention included that the blood supply of the flap to be transferred should be adequate, and the survival of the flap after division of the pedicle should be assured. The length of the flap to be transferred should be longer by 10% than the distance between the site of transplantation in the lower extremities and the donor area; and the donor area should be larger by 20% than the recipient area. The skin area of the flap to be transferred should be broad enough avoid tension so that there would be no pressure on the blood vessels. Pay attention to the blood supply of the f
Chinese Journal of Burns