德国小蠊的若虫和雌、雄成虫 ,这 3类试虫的活体诱源都对德国小蠊具有明显的诱集作用和滞留作用。其中雄成虫的诱集活性最弱 ,若虫和雌成虫的诱集活性都较强。粪便也是聚集信息素的重要来源 ,3类试虫粪便的聚集活性都大于相应的活体诱源 ,其中若虫粪便的聚集活性和滞留活性最强 ,雄成虫粪便的活性最弱。若虫的体表和粪便粗提物对 5龄若虫都具有明显的引诱作用和滞留活性 ,而且粪便提取物的引诱活性和滞留活性显著高于体表提取物。正己烷和二氯甲烷都是聚集信息素的有效提取剂。若虫的粪便粗提物能够明显提高蟑螂毒饵的杀虫效果。
The results of choice-chamber test showed that all the nymphs,adults of both sexes can attract and arrest the test German cockrcach.The males were not attractive as nymphs and females.German cockroach's faeces is another kind of important origin of aggregation pheromone.The faeces are significantly more attractive and restrictive than the whole bodies.Comparing the three different original faeces,the nymph's faeces are most attractive and restrictive,and the male adults' faeces are significantly less attractive and restrictive.The cuticular and fecal extracts of B.germanica have shown a strong attraction and retention to the nymphs,and the fecal extracts showed a stronger performance.Dichloromethane and n-hexane are the efficient solvents for extracting the attractive substances.Acquiring some of cockroach fecal extracts may considerably increase the effectiveness of blatticide baits.The mortality caused by the extracts treated baits was significantly higher than that caused by untreated baits.
Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica