From the view of Optimum Time-Frequency Resolution (OPTFR), Jiang constructedorthogonal and symmetric multiwavelets Ψ_2, which has approximation order 2 and is supported in[0, 2]. In order to satisfy the highpass and lowpass property, we apply balancing technique tomatrix conjugate quadrature filters, then utilize the balanced matrix conjugate quadrature filtersfor fusion of images, and obtain expectant results.
From the view of Optimum Time-Frequency Resolution (OPTFR), Jiang constructedorthogonal and symmetric multiwavelets Ψ_2, which has approximation order 2 and is supported in[0, 2]. In order to satisfy the highpass and lowpass property, we apply balancing technique tomatrix conjugate quadrature filters, then utilize the balanced matrix conjugate quadrature filtersfor fusion of images, and obtain expectant results.
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10347138) and the National Natural Science Foundation of the Education Committeeof Shaanxi province(No.03JK062).