目的 提高对人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)感染并发结核病胸部X线表现的认识。方法 对 78例HIV感染并发结核病患者胸部X线资料进行回顾性分析。结果 (1)HIV感染并发肺结核病中 ,两肺病变性质X线表现以浸润、渗出或干酪坏死为主 (79. 7% ,5 5 / 6 9) ;(2 )本组病例空洞发生率低 (16 7% ,13/78) ,痰涂片阳性率仅 17. 4 % (12 / 6 9) ,反之 ,罹患结核性胸膜炎或合并胸、腹、心包腔等浆膜炎者 38. 5 %(30 / 78) ,并发胸膜、腹膜、淋巴结结核等肺外结核 4 4. 9% (35 / 78)。结论 HIV感染并发结核病的胸部X线表现主要以浸润、渗出、干酪坏死及血行播散性病变为主 ,两侧性病变多见。
Objective To evaluate the characteristics of tuberculosis in HIV patients. Methods Seventy-eight inpatients coexisted with tuberculosis and HIV infection were reviewed and analysis retrospectively. Results (1)Bilateral infiltrateds, caseous lesions or military nodules in lungs were the predominant radiographic changes of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection;(2)The proportion of cases with cavity on chest X-ray and sputum smear positive cases were lower in our studied group , contrarily,accompanied with higher frequencies of pleuritis, peritonitis and extra pulmonary tuberculosis. Conclusion According to our analysis of radiographic features,HIV infection was associated with a progressive manifestation of tuberculosis.
Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis