塔里木盆地卡3区块处于沙漠腹地,地表为复合型沙垄和沙山,深层地震地质条件较差,地震资料品质不 高,波组连续性差,分辨率和信噪比低。为获取品质良好的地震资料,在该区进行了高密度二维地震资料采集技 术研究,开展了表层结构调查、干扰波调查、激发和接收因素试验等工作,采取抽炮、抽道方式,得到了不同覆盖 次数的剖面。用高密度采集技术获得的剖面,浅、中、深层反射波组齐全,奥陶系内幕反射资料信息丰富,断层断 点位置清楚,构造及低幅度隆起特征明显,反映了工区的地质结构特征。
Block Katake 3 is located in interior of Tarim basin, the near surface is consisting of three layers, and the decreasing velocity layer does not exist in some area. The poor condition of deeper layer of seismic geology, much faults, broken strata, and complicated seismic wave field are the main sources. Based on the high density 2-D seismic acquisition, a serious of experiments are carried out, such as lower velocity layer probing, statistic correcting, disrupting wave probing, shooting and receiving factors experiments, different fold number profiles are gotten by extracting shooter and receiver. Comparison with the old profiles, the new profile show that the reflection wave are full in the upper, middle and deep layers, the information of reflection from the Ordovician is prolific and the fault position is clear, the character of structure and the low closure of anticline trap are obvious. The profile reflects the geological feature of the area.
Geophysical Prospecting For Petroleum