野生植物南山王 (Celastrussp .)的根茎叶用甲醇、氯仿和石油醚提取 ,并制备干粉。浓度为 0l. 0 1g mL的粗提物对菜青虫PierisrapaeL .的非选择性拒食率达到 61 . 73 %~ 93 . 5 5 % ;用浸渍法测得根的粗提物对菜青虫的光活化比达到 2 5 . 5~ 3 4. 1。南山王根的氯仿提取物活性最高。
Roots, stems and leaves of Celastrus sp. was extracted by using methanol, chloroform, and petroleum ether as solvents. The crude extracts were dried and used to test their antifeeding activity, contact toxicity and photo-activation against Pieris rapae. The anifeeding rates of 0.01mg/mL of the crude extracts in the no choice were 61.73%~93.55%. The results of the dipping test showed that the crude extracts also had contact toxicity and photo-activation. The photo-activation ratio of root extracts was 25.4~34.1. The bioactivity of the root chloroform extract had the highest bioactivity.
Entomological Knowledge