研究的目的是将人群中28%的B型血改造成通用O型血,提高O型血的储存和使用比例,以缓解战争、 恐怖袭击、突发事件等紧急状态下对O型血的大量需求。用α-1.3半孔糖苷酶作为B→O血型改造的工具酶,摸索 改造一个使用单位B型血红细胞(100 ml)的最佳条件。结果实现了在密闭、无菌条件下使用50 U/ml工具酶,pH 5.6,26℃ 2小时,进行B→O的血型改造。结论:改造后的通用型O型血红细胞符合生物制品检定规程的要求, 并可在4℃存放21天。
In order to meet the demand for safe transfusion in special conditions and to utilize the donated blood supply efficiently, technology has been developed to convert erythrocytes from type A, B, or AB to 'universal donor' blood. Conversion of blood type B to O was performed by means of recombinant a-galactosidase digestion. The results showed that blood type B to O was converted successfully, 1 transfusion unit of red cells of group B ( 100 ml totally) could converted to universal blood cells in the optimal conditions including pH 5. 6, 26℃, 2 hours, obturation and sterilization. It is concluded that the universal red blood cells converted from group B to group O are conformed to demand of identification rules of biological products, no harmful effects of a-galactosidase on cell structure and function are observed. The converted red cells can stored in 4℃ for 21 days.
Journal of Experimental Hematology