Objective To study γ-radiation-induced expression of Fas gene and its significance in the apoptosis of proliferative muscle cells of bile duct wall in dog model. Methods The ~ ~103 Palladium (Pd) radioactive stent or general stent was inserted into dog extrahepatic bile duct, and bile duct specimens were ~obtained after 30 days. Expression of Fas and apoptosis of bile duct muscle cells in the control and γ-radiation-~induced groups were determined by immunohistochemical technique. The square of bile duct cavities of two groups were measured by computer ~imaging detecting system. Results The ~expre- ~ssion of Fas was much higher in the bile duct wall of dogs with ~ ~103 Pd radioactive stent than that in dogs with the general stent, and apoptotic muscle cells were more common in Fas highly expreessed than that in the Fas lowly ~experssed subgroup, and no stricture of extrahepatic bile duct was seen in former subgroup. No obvious ~apoptotic muscle cells were observed in the Fas lowly expressed subgroup, however, the dog in this ~subgroup had the obvious stricture of extrahepatic bile duct. Conclusions The level of Fas gene expression was associated with the rate of cell apoptosis in dog bile duct wall, and the ~ ~103 Pd radioactive stent may increase the expression of Fas gene, enhance the apoptosis of proliferative muscle cells of bile duct, and therefore prevent the stricture of extrahepatic bile duct.
Chinese Journal of Digestion