谐波传动技术是近 4 0年来为了适应空间技术的要求而发展起来的一项新型的机械传动技术 ,具有传动比大 ,体积小 ,重量轻 ,传动精度高 ,回差小等特点。目前已广泛应用在航天、军事、自动控制、仪器仪表、数控机床、数控加工中心等领域。
The harmonic wave transmission technology is a new transmission technology developed to meet the needs of space technology in the past 40 years, it is high in transmission rate, small, light, high in transmission accuracy, small in difference. So far it has been applied in such fields as space, military, automatic control, instrument and apparatus, numeric control lathes and numeric control processing centers.
Shanxi Science and Technology