目的 了解农村基层医生心脑血管病防治知识的掌握情况及其影响因素。方法 采取横断面调查,分层随机抽取北京房山农村基层医生15 1人,集中自填问卷。结果 绝大部分农村基层医生具有心脑血管病防治意识,能主动开展防治工作。但只有6 5 %的农村基层医生掌握高血压的诊断标准,掌握血脂异常诊断标准与糖尿病的诊断标准者分别为2 3%和2 0 % ,对高血压、血脂异常与糖尿病的治疗原则的掌握均处于较低水平。与心脑血管病防治知识掌握水平相关的因素包括医生的学历、职称和接受相关知识技能的培训情况等。结论 农村基层医生心脑血管疾病防治知识掌握情况较差。
Objective To access the knowledge level of prevention and control of cardio-cerebro-vascular disease (CVD) among physicians in community hospitals of rural area and its influencing factors. Methods This study involved 151 physicians in rural area in Fangshan district of Beijing. By random sampling, the physicians were investigated with a self-administrated questionnaire. Results Most physicians in rural community hospitals had basic consciousness on preventing CVD and could perform CVD prevention initiatively. 65% of the physicians knew diagnosis criterion of hypertension; 23% and 20%of the physicians knew diagnosis criterion of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. The knowledge level of treatments of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia was rather low among physicians. The influencing factors of knowledge were educational level, technical title, course on relative knowledge. Conclusions Physicians in rural community hospitals did not have enough knowledge on prevention of CVD.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention