目的 探讨小儿先天性超短段型巨结肠的临床特点、诊断及治疗方法 ,提高诊治水平。方法 对手术确诊的 12例患儿的临床表现、影像学检查、直肠肛管测压、手术及病理诊断结果进行回顾性分析。结果 12例患儿均表现为迟发性排便困难 ,9例钡灌肠表现为阳性结果 ,3例表现为阴性结果 ;12例患者行直肠肛管测压时均表现为无内括约肌松弛反射 ,肛管压力升高。所有患者均行经肛门I期巨结肠根治术 ,术后病理确诊证实 ,11例恢复良好。结论 小儿先天性超短段型巨结肠应尽早确诊 ,对 3~ 5个月龄时开始出现的排便困难的小儿应考虑本病可能 ,直肠肛管测压可以确诊本病。经肛门I期巨结肠根治术是本病理想的根治途径。
Objective To explore the characteristics of ul trashort congenital megacolon in children and the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.Methods The data of 12 cases in terms of clinical manife stations,imaging tests,pressure determination of rectal anal canal,surgery and t he results of pathological analysis were retrospectively analyzed.Resul ts Delayed defecation occurred in all cases.According to the results of ba rium examination,9 cases were found to be positive,and the other 3 negative.No r elaxation of sphincter occurred and meanwhile the anal canal pressure rose.The p ostoperative pathological tests confirmed that 11 cases recovered well after the ir radical resection per annum.Conclusion Radical resection of me gacolon of Stage I per annum has proven to be quite effective in treating congen ital megacolon in children.
Journal of Linyi Medical College