在研究分析软土地区道路工程河浜常用处理方法的基础上,依托实体工程,提出了多种实用河浜处理 技术,跟踪观测了不同处理方法的工程应用效果,并对其适用性作了分析评价,为软土地区道路工程河浜处理提供 了决策依据,具有较高的实用价值。
Relying on entitative engineering, based on the research and analysis on the conventional methods of the R&C treatment in road engineering in soft ground area, many applicable methods of the R&C treatment are presented. The applied effect of the methods has been tailed and observed, including their applicability, which offers the support of decision-making in the correlative engineering and has significantly application worthiness.
Shanghai Highways