现阶段 ,我国人民法院刑事附带民事诉讼受理范围 ,只限于被害人因人身权利受到犯罪行为侵害而遭受的物质损失和财物被犯罪行为损毁的物质损失。这与设立刑事附带诉讼制度的立法宗旨相悖。限制刑事附带民事诉讼受理范围的立论根据站不住脚 ,其最大危害是不利于保护被害人的合法权益。对于因犯罪者非法占有、处置被害人财产而使其遭受的物质损失 ,用追缴、责令退赔的方式有程序上难以克服的弊端。人民法院应严格依法办事 ,并在法律原则的范围内积极探索、创新 。
Nowadays, the people's Court of china limits the scope of accepted cases of civil actions attached to criminal prosecutions only to the material losses of the victims whose personal rights have been infringed on or properries have been damaged by criminal actions. That actually conflicts with the legislative purpose of establishing the system of civil actions attached to criminal prosecutions. The argument of this limitation is utterly groundless. It will bring about the greatest harmfulness of failing to protect the victims' legal rights. As for the material losses due to illegal possession and management of victims' properties by criminals, the method of ordering the return and compensation has the drawbacks hard to overcome. The People's Court should rigorously practice according to law and actively explore and innovate within the framework of legal principles so as to continuously perfect the system of civil actions attached to criminal prosecutions.
Journal of Jiangsu Police Institute